Ren and Stimpy storyboards!


Animation has a fantastic Ren and Stimpy board up and if you’ve never visited Animation Resources and you’re into animation, you’re in for a huge treat because it’s one of the unsung jewels of the internet. Check it out!


Mike Milo live on Twitch.TV/Adobe on 8/12 this Friday morning from 9-12 PST


Might as well use this site for my own promoting as well huh?

Soooo, this coming Friday morning 8/12, I (Mike Milo) will be broadcasting live from 9-12 PST on Adobe’s Twitch channel and animating using Adobe’s Animate software. Not quite sure exactly what I’ll animate but it’ll be fun so please tune in and watch me talk about the animation business and make funny pictures move right there in front of your face! You can even ask questions via the embedded chat.

New Google Doodle commemorating the start of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games


Google just posted a cute new doodle commemorating the start of the 2016 Doodle Fruit Games! To join in on the fun, find out more at

Video Credits:
Design & Animation – Nate Swinehart
Layout Support – David Davis

Sound Credits:
Music & Sound Design – aivi & surasshu
Trumpet – Lachlan Day
Piccolo – Kristin Naigus
Guitar – Stemage


Jon Stewart With the 2008 election, Stewart is increasing his influence exponentially this year. And a big part of the reason why is the Web. After some messy quarrels with YouTube over illegal copies running on the video service, Comedy Central, which produces The Daily Show, finally started putting the show up for free on its own Web site. With more people than ever turning to the Web for news and videos, The Daily Show has become the place where many claim to be getting their best coverage of the elections. So while Stewart wasn't a pioneer in going online, his embrace of the Net is an example of good timing.

IGN is reporting that John Stewart has teamed up with HBO to bring us an animated news show.

HBO’s president of programming, Casey Bloys, announced today at the TCA (Television Critics Association) summer press tour that Stewart’s new HBO series will be an Onion-Style animated “parody of a cable news network,” that he described as “very much in Jon’s voice.”

From what I gather it will be very simple animation, probably in the vein of South Park because of the next quote.

When it was brought up that animation usually takes more time, not less, Bloys said, “The animation will allow him to respond to things very quickly. It’ll be more simple animation. My hope is it will be up and running by September or October; by this fall.”

You can read the entire article here.

Adobe Animate CC 2015.2


Following Animate’s rebirth just a few months ago, Adobe’s latest update is actually attempting to include animators and artists, which a huge welcome change! The two biggest additions are allowing a layer to be transparent! I know that’s SO 1995 but at least they’re finally listening! Also a new inclusion is the Frame Picker which mimics Lipper and Keyframe Caddy but is now included in the Application itself. The one thing I’m hoping for in the next version is to have the Frame Picker set a keyframe when you select a drawing form it’s display. Also there is the new-ish Pattern Brushes, which is very similar to Illustrator’s brushes and while I personally have not found much use for them, they ARE an artists addition and you might find a need for them. Actually I take it back, I made wallpaper on a background once using them.


Frame Picker

(graphic symbol thumbnails)

Visually preview and choose the first frame for a graphic symbol. In previous releases, you could not preview the frames without getting within the symbol. This feature enhances the user experience for animation workflows such as Lip Sync.

image03 image02

Layer Transparency

You can now skip manual workarounds and sketch on top of other layers right inside Animate. To set the visibility of the layer to transparent, Shift+Click on the eye column in the timeline.


Pattern Brushes

Paint a vector pattern along the path or stretch to its entire length. You can use the integrated global library within Animate to use Art and Pattern brushes. In addition to the default brush presets, you can import new Pattern Brushes to your Animate document using the CC Libraries. See them in action here.


Cintiq Alternative- The Artisul D13


Here’s an interesting new tablet on the market, or at least new to me and my friends… The Artisul D13 which is essentially a 13″ Cintiq type device. you draw directly on the screen and connect it to your laptop or desktop. No word on whether it has Wacom drivers or is N-trig but it seems to be a neat little device and if you read the story behind it, it was designed BY an artist so you know that they’re catering to our community. In the box are the tablet with stylus, Pen Case (10 tips + Pen and inbuilt tip remover), Pen stand HDMI & USB cable, Universal Power Adaptor and 12 Month Warranty. The Artisul D13 sells for $599 and the stand is an extra $60.



with MAC and Windows

Advanced Precision

2048 pen pressure for easy control along with 10 pen tips

HD Display & Connections

13.3″ screen size, wide degree viewing angle, USB and HDMI cable


right or left-handed adaptability

Hot Keys

for shortcuts and increased productivity


Can be powered by two 3.0USB

Here’s a short video of Roberto Blake using the device. He seems to like it and can clearly draw on it. Still no word on those damn drivers though!