Flash animator Kickstarting an interactive book app for kids

Veteran Flash animator Rich Murray of richtoons.com has turned his sights on the world of apps for kids. He has teamed up with esteemed children’s writer Richard Clark, (The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That), to bring Build-o-saurs to life. Build-o-saurs are special dinosaurs who are born to build. And they’re poised to satisfy the cravings of tiny tykes all over the world. But first, Rich and Richard are appealing to the public at large to help them realize their vision of a highly animated and interactive book that kids and parents alike will enjoy together.
They have just launched their Kickstarter campaign complete with a funny and charming video that you can link to here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1376310253/build-o-saurs-an-interactive-book-app-for-kids?ref=home_location.
They have set a goal of $9,000. They have so far achieved 13% of this goal, but will need the help of Animation Insiders and the Kickstarter community to keep the momentum going. Besides the heart-warming glow you get from helping out a fellow animator, there is a raft of tempting incentives including getting the app when it’s completed for a mere $5 pledge. There are trading cards, posters, iPad covers and even a custom walk-on role on the app available as you bid higher on the incentives scale. Everybody wins.
100% of the money collected from Kickstarter will go towards the production – almost exclusively towards programming costs actually. But if the project exceeds its goal of fund raising, any extra money will only be spent on bettering the final app – original music, more pages, more animation.
Check it out. Help us out. And one day soon Build-o-saurs can rule earth!
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